Add Google Sheets Content to Squarespace
If you follow this blog, you know that I am a huge fan of Google Sheets and other Google Drive apps; however, the challenges that I have faced are: 1) how can users find Google Drive content that I have publicly shared, and 2) how do I get credit for that content?
For Google Sheets that I publicly shared, I used to go through a convoluted exercise of submitting those sheets for Google Search indexing via However, Google has decommissioned that tactic, which is probably for the best because that approach had several drawbacks anyway.
Now, I am adding Google Sheets content directly to my site so that when Google Search crawls my site, the "Sultan of Search" will index my Google Sheets content too.
If you are running a plain old webserver, uploading Google Sheets content is easy; however, if you are using a Content Management System like Squarespace, things get complicated. Here are the steps that I took to include Google Sheets content in my Squarespace pages: