

Swimlane Flowchart Template

Swimlane Flowchart Template

I recently had to create a swimlane flowchart, and in the process, I had to decide which tool to use.  My first thought was Lucidchart because that's what the cool kids are using; however, I didn't want to have to buy a license and have to deal with introducing a new tool to our ecosystem.  My next thought was to use Google Drawings because we already use G Suite, and Drawings has all the basic functionality required to create most business diagrams.  As I started creating the flowchart, I realized that I needed to create multiple views, which would require separate Drawings, but then I realized that Google Slides can do everything that Drawings can, and more!

Once I created my flowchart, I decided to "templatize" it for future use and in the process, why not share it with the world!?  If you ever need to create a flowchart, here is a Google Slides template you can use.  It doesn't use perfect BPMN (Business Process Model & Notation), but it will get the job done, and you can do so right from the comfort of your own G Suite account.  Enjoy!

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